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Lesson 4: Breathing

Exercises: Lesson 4

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INSTRUCTIONS. The following exercises are to be answered by marking the lettered response that best answers the question or best completes the incomplete statement or by writing the answer in the space provided. After you have completed all the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson and check your answers.


1. The muscle or group of muscles that is responsible for most of the air movement

into and out of the lungs is/are the:


a. Shoulder muscles.


b. Abdominal muscles.


c. Intercostal muscles.


d. Diaphragm.


e. Larynx.



2. Consider the following breathing patterns for an adult patient.


Time Patient Actions


0 sec


4 sec


8 sec


12 sec


17 sec


21 sec


25 sec


30 sec


What is the patient's breathing rate? _____________


3. How would you describe the patient's breathing rate in exercise 2?


a. Deep.


b. Normal.


c. Productive.


d. Rapid.


e. Slow.


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXERCISES 4 THRU 11. Match the term in Column I with its meaning in Column II by writing the letter of the meaning in the blank.


Column I


_____ 4. Sputum


_____ 5. Viscous


_____ 6. Acute


_____ 7. Depth


_____ 8. Wheezing


_____ 9. Chronic


_____10. Normal adult breathing



_____11. Labored breathing


Column II


a. Breathing accompanied by whistling



b. Cough that has existed for a long time.


c. 6-10 breaths per minute.


d. Gasping for air.


e. Bracing arms against knees in order to

breathe more normally.


f. Cough that came on suddenly.


g. 12-20 breaths per minute.


h. Amount of air breathed in and out.


i. Thick.


j. Mucus coughed up from lungs.


k. Mucus produced in the mouth and used in

digestion of food.


12. Have a person lie down. Take his pulse. After taking his pulse, determine his

breathing rate without letting him know that you are taking his breathing rate.


Check Your Answers on Next Page



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