Basic Patient Care Procedures Lesson 4 |
LESSON 4 Specimen Collection.
TEXT ASSIGNMENT Paragraphs 4-1 through 4-7.
LESSON OBJECTIVES When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to:
4-1. Identify the reasons for collecting samples of specimen.
4-2. Identify the procedures used to collect a sterile urine specimen from a male patient.
4-3. Identify the procedures used to collect a sterile urine specimen from a female patient.
4-4. Identify the procedures used to collect a midstream urine specimen.
4-5. Identify the procedures used to collect a 24-hour urine specimen.
4-6. Identify the presence of occult blood in a stool.
4-7. Identify the procedures used to collect a stool.
4-8. Identify the procedures used in collecting sputum.
SUGGESTION Work the lesson exercises at the end of this lesson before beginning the next lesson. These exercises will help you accomplish the lesson objectives.
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