Basic Patient Care Procedures Exercises: Lesson 4 |
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that best answers the question or best completes the statement.
After you have completed all of the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson, and check your answers.
1. A specimen is a sample or part of a thing, or of several things, taken to show or to determine:
2. The patient may need to have an indwelling catheter inserted if he voids and more than _________ of residual urine remains in the bladder.
3. It is important to inform the patient that if he remains relaxed during the insertion of the catheter:
4. When collecting a sterile urine specimen, clamp just below the catheter for about _______ minutes.
5. When collecting a sterile urine specimen, slightly pinch the end of the penis and insert the catheter:
6. To insert the catheter into the female, with sterile gloves insert through urinary meatus:
7. Specimens of urine that are not taken directly to the laboratory are usually:
8. The first step of the procedure for collecting a midstream urine specimen is:
9. When collecting a 24-hour urine specimen, post signs:
10. Bright red blood in the stool indicates that:
11. The type of blood that can be found in the stool, but cannot be seen with the naked eye is called:
12. Stool specimens are collected to determine the presence of:
13. Stool specimens are collected to identify:
14. Sputum is:
15. The patient who cannot produce sputum by himself must have the medical specialist nurse secure it by:
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