Basic Patient Care Procedures Exercises: Lesson 1 |
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that best answers the question or best completes the statement.
After you have completed all of the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson and check your answers.
1. The sitz bath is given to:
2. The cool water tub bath is given to:
3. The warm water tub bath is given to:
4. The bed bath/partial bath is administered when the patient is either:
5. You should change bath water when it becomes:
6. During the procedure for giving a bed bath or partial bath, the first step of the process is to:
7. When cleaning the inner eye, it is important to remember to move the mittcloth in the direction:
8. When preparing to administer the bed bath/partial bath, the temperature of the water should be how many degrees Fahrenheit?
9. When soap can be used on the patient's face, it should be applied:
10. When you administer the bed bath/partial bath, the first part of the body to be exposed is:
11. Which area of the body should not be exposed when washing the upper and lower limbs?
d. Stomach area. 12. A partial bath to the genitalia area is given by turning the patient:
13. To replace the pajama coat of a patient with an injured arm or shoulder, start replacing:
14. The towel bath is administered by the specialist when a patient is sick or confined to:
15. When preparing the towel bath, the specialist should draw ___________milliliters of water into the plastic container.
16. When the towel bath is completed, remove towel and:
17. Do not allow the patient to remain in the bath tub more than __________minutes.
18. The purpose of administering the tepid sponge bath is to:
19. When administering a tepid sponge bath, the step after checking the physician's orders is to:
20. Caring for the hands and feet require filling the basin full of water at:
21. When you have finished caring for the hands and feet, you should:
22. Eyeglasses made with glass lens may be cleaned by using:
23. The specialist should learn the routines for cleaning and caring for the patient's hearing aid, and determine if the patient can hear clearly with the aid by talking in a _________ tone of voice.
24. The patient receiving oxygen through the nasal cannula, or has a nasogastric tube should have the nares cleaned every _________hours.
25. The meatal-catheter junction should be cleansed daily with soap and water, and the application of:
26. When caring for a patient with an indwelling catheter, the specialist should:
27. The backrub is usually administered:
28. The specialist will massage the patient's back for:
29. The backrub is contraindicated (not given) if the patient has such conditions as:
30. To administer a backrub, the specialist should first:
31. Prior to moving to another task following the backrub, you should:
32. The patient who can help himself during routine mouth care should:
33. The urinal or bedpan is provided anytime one is requested by the patient; in addition, it is usually offered:
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