Treating Chemical and Biological Agent Casualties Lesson 2: Treating
Nerve Agent Poisoning 2-9 |
Observe the casualty for signs and symptoms of atropinization. Mild atropinization indicates that the casualty has received sufficient atropine.
a. Signs and Symptoms of Mild Atropinization. Chemical operations have shown that if troops become alarmed, some of them may believe that they have been exposed to chemical agents when they actually have not been. That is why it is important that service members not give themselves more than one atropine injection (2 mg) if they do not have progressive signs of nerve agent poisoning and consequent incapacitation. Repeated atropine injections without nerve agent exposure produces progressive signs and symptoms of atropinization characterized as mild, moderate, and severe. If a soldier has absorbed little or no nerve agent, a single injection (2 mg) of atropine will produce mild atropinization symptoms. Mild signs and symptoms of atropinization include:
b. Signs and Symptoms of Moderate Atropinization. If the atropine injection of 2 mg is repeated within one hour, and the casualty has not been exposed to a nerve agent, the following moderate central nervous system symptoms develop in most individuals. They may include:
c. Signs and Symptoms of Severe Atropinization. If a third atropine injection of 2 mg is repeated within an hour after the second nerve agent exposure and the casualty has not been exposed to a nerve agent, symptoms will be severe enough to interfere with activities. Additional administration of atropine at frequent intervals will result in severe incapacitating symptoms of overatropinization (nerve agent antidote poisoning). These severe symptoms are:
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